
Face Of Terror

Decent Essays

The Face of Terror When writing a story, authors must think of exactly that when writing, a story. Stories are plots we imagine throughout our days, and most of the times, these said stories, are not true. Therefore, they are considered fiction and fiction tends to be a popular genre in books. However, some stories are not fictional stories but true events. These true events are called memoirs. Memoirs are more rare when it comes to popularity for many individuals feel as though these authors are not interesting and predictable. Yet this is called ‘judging a book by it’s cover’. However, what some do not know, is memoirs are a piece of literature with great advice for all. Advice from individuals that have lived through all events that are imagined in this world. This said advice can not only help others through their own situations, but they will also help guide us to what reality is …show more content…

One that shall not be forgotten. Beauty is more than just looks and personalities. Beauty also consist of knowledge and the acceptance of knowledge. Grealy once mentioned in her memoir that she understood life better than anyone when she was being bullied, and had nobody to love her like she wanted. She knew she could help others out by being their friends and telling them the truth about what she believed life was really like. She was always straight to the point and was very realistic. Grealy also mentions “sometimes the briefest moments captures us, force us to take them in, and demand that we live the rest of our lives in reference to them (Grealy 78).” I took this to mean that we should accept what life really is and be truthful to ourselves, rather than sugar coat the tough times. For instance. Having so many operations just to have a beautiful face, caused Lucy to hate how she looked, so she would eventually hate looking at any surface that would show her reflection. Until one day when Grealy

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