
Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency

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Causing Factors of Juvenile delinquency This chapter considers what others have said about the contributing factors that influence juvenile delinquency. This section additionally analyzes discoveries from past research, and present an exhaustive survey of past works. This chapter also introduces theoretical frame works that attempt to explain the distinctive causes of juvenile delinquency. The focus of this research is placed on the theoretical frame works of social control theory and attachment theory.
Juvenile delinquency
As stated by the United Nations Convention (1989, cited in Arabaci 2017) any individual under the age of 18 is considered a child under the right of a child legislation. Therefore, any the participation of persons under the age of 18 as it relates to a crime for any reason, and correspondingly the exhibit of a behavior in need of a judicial jurisdiction, are deemed juvenile delinquency (Hockenberry & Puzzanchera, 2013; Copur, Ulutasdemir, & Balasak, 2015, cited in Arabaci 2017). Juvenile delinquency frequently corresponds with adolescents, described as the advancing troublesome phase or transformation phase (Celikoz, Secer & Durak, 2008, cited in Arabaci 2017). The likelihood of a crime being committed is more frequent in childhood adolescence (Carrol, Hattie, Durkin & Houghton, 2001; Oyserman & Saltz, 1993; Moffitt 1993, cited in Arabaci 2017). Those with criminal habits during childhood often carry this habit into adulthood (Korkmaz & Erden, 2010,

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