
Factors That A Barrister Owes And The Ethical Dilemma That Arises When Such Duties Essay

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List of Contents:
1. Introduction……………………………………………….……….. 2

2. Main Body……………………………………………………….…. 2

2.2.1. Duties to client……………………………………………...... 2

2.1.1. M.H. Freedman’s Theory of “Zealous Advocacy”………... 3

2.1.2. Contrasting Theory of J. Noonan……………………...…… 3

2.2. Duties to Court…………………………………………….…... 3

2.2.1. Misleading the Court………………………………………... 4

2.2.2. Point out the relevant law……………………………….….. 4

2.2.3. Preserving Independence……………………………….…... 5

2.2.4. Extent of Duties to Court…………………………………… 5

2.3 Duties to Administration of Justice…………………………… 5

2.4. Barrister’s Morals…………………………………………….. 5
3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 6
4. Bibliography………………………………………………………… 7

1. Introduction: This essay discusses the various duties that a barrister owes and the ethical dilemma that arises when such duties are at opposing ends. A barrister owes a duty to the client to act in the way that his client’s best interest are protected and the purpose of his representation in the eyes of the client is achieved but will that justify that incurring harm to the society at large or to the court remains a question to be considered. A barrister must act in the best of interest of his client but such a strict approach will render it difficult for the barrister to fulfill his duties which are owed to the court and to the administration of justice and duty to act with honesty and integrity . If such duties at some point are in conflict what should a barrister do in such

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