
Fahrenheit 451 Banned

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Fahrenheit 451 In Guy Montag's society of 451 reading is banned so it takes away your privilege to gain knowledge. Montag's job as a firefighter is to burn books which basically destroys knowledge. Until a girl named Clarisse McClellan got introduced to Montag's life, Montag never really actually thought about his job burning books. McClellan asked Montag if he ever reads the books that he burns, Montag had no answer. Montag job is to burn books and by burning these knowledgeable books, he takes away knowledge from the society therefore ignoring all the knowledge that can be given to the society. Montag's first sense of knowledge came from McClellan when she asked, "Do you ever read the books that you burn?" When Montag got home he thought about the question. Montag ignored the fact of what could be in books, he was just doing his job until he realized that books have power. Montag finally realized when he burned a library with a woman inside protecting her books. For the first time Montag actually thought of what he was doing. Montag had a curiosity of why the woman would stay in a burning library to protect her books. This is what sparked Montag to quit his job as a firefighter. …show more content…

Mildred also has the "parlor walls" which are giant TV's that Mildred takes in as her "family". She finds the channels so fascinating, yet she doesn't learn anything from them or think about it. One day Montag comes in the house and see Mildred and her friends in the parlor room, that's when Montag thinks what is right and decides to read Mildred and her friends a poem, by the time Montag finishes, one of Mildred's friends burst out the door crying. Mildred say she cannot take this anymore so she calls in

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