
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

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“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them” In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury depicts a dystopian society in which books are not allowed and banned by the government. In this futuristic society firemen start fires rather than put them out. Bradbury masterfully writes about topics such as unfair government, euphoria, and lack of contentment in one's job, proving the idea that rebellion is acceptable when the Government is cruel and discriminatory, when your contentment is harmed, and when you have disbelief in your profession. In this society the government was very unfair and made decisions for every person in their community. Montag wants to look at the books before they burn the house and the books that it …show more content…

This quote is when Montag first realized that he was not happy, and that he would become happy when he had what Clarisse had. “He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and ask for it back.” Montag began to realize that he was not happy with his way of living, he did not want to hide behind a mask of happiness and conform to the government's oppression. In addition, Bradbury writes, “‘I’m seventeen and I’m crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane’” (Bradbury 5) Clarisse said this the first time she talked to Montag, she was a lover of life and nature and was always quite happy. Claims were made that Clarisse was later murdered because she knew too much about the government's orders to burn all printed books. This affected montag's happiness because she was different than all the other citizens and allowed for new spontaneous conversations. The government takes away people's happiness which makes it difficult for them to feel passionate about their …show more content…

Montag began to lose faith in his job and betrayed the orders that he was given “So it was the hands that started it all… his hands had been infected, and soon it would be his arms… his hands were ravenous.” Deep down Montag knew that taking the bible would be the wrong thing to do, but his hands would not let him leave the book in the burning house. There was so much information that Montag wanted to learn from books, even though he was not allowed and it was against the law. Montag started to disagree with the choices the government was making and began disobeying the rules he was given “‘You’re not sick,’ said Mildred. Montag fell back in bed. He reached under his pillow. The hidden book was still there.” The thought of not being able to read a book at your own will was very hard for Montag, he felt the need to stay home from work because he wanted to read the bible that he had hidden beneath his pillow. Even though Montag had the instructions to burn all books he wanted to rebel and allow the citizens the right to learn the information that many books contained. Montag comes to the realization that his job is negatively impacting the people of his

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