
Fairness And Mateship In Australian The Castle '

Decent Essays

Most Australians seem to enjoy The Castle and everyone will have a different reason for loving it. Some will find it funny, some will enjoy the battle of the average Aussie against a large and powerful organisation and others will say it shows Australian values of fairness and mateship, but for many it will also be about a decent man who loves his family and his home.
This movie is full of exaggerations of behaviour and language that Australians can relate to. It also uses selective bad language for effect to highlight that most Australians do swear in certain circumstances. The fashions in the movie will also have some older people laughing as they remember when they might have worn such outfits or used a “little bit” of product in their hair. The jokes are mostly mocking and exaggerating what Australian’s would see as their culture, language or behaviour. Australians enjoy laughing at themselves and using sarcasm. This allows people to relate so well to its story and its characters. The sense of humour isn’t just the jokes “but the way in which the film manages to balance deprecation with tenderness and warmth.”
The main character and family head, Darryl accidently comes across a former QC named Laurie who helps Darryl later on because he doesn’t think what’s happening to Darryl is fair. Fairness and mateship are major themes of the movie. …show more content…

Darryl and his family take on Airlink on behalf of the government who want to extend the airport and take his away for this extension. Darryl is not the smartest and he hires lawyer who has no experience in constitutional law. Most people like the idea that someone like them who can’t afford the best lawyers can take on a big government organization and win. A Sydney morning herald article describes the movie as "The story of a happy-go-lucky battler coming up trumps against the odds - that is the story that appeals to

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