
Fairy Tale Analysis

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Fairy tales are the lifeblood of a childhood; they are one of the first things to change us into who we really are. In My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry we see how Granny’s stories change and teach Elsa. At first they are just something to pass on, and they are a way to show Elsa that it is okay to be different. By the end, however, we see that they are a way of connecting Elsa to friends and family. The stories of the Chosen One and the Shadows are clever warnings about what might happen in Elsa’s life, but they also teach, along with the story of the Girl Who Said No, valuable lessons. In the story of the Chosen One Elsa learns that you can depend on those around you for help and protection when you most need it. And another story is about the Chosen One, the most universally loved dancer in Mimovas, . . . In the fairy tale the shadows tried to abduct the Chosen One in order to destroy Mimovas, but the cloud animals saved him and flew him all the way back to Miamas. And when the shadows came after them, all the inhabitants of the six kingdoms of the Land-of-Almost-Awake—the princes, princesses, knights, soldiers, trolls, angels, and the witch—agreed to protect the Chosen One.(Backman 38-39)
When Elsa is friendless it shows her what friendship is before she can experience it herself. It gives her a chance to understand what friends are for and what friends are willing to do for each other. When she looks back on the stories later in the book she also sees

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