
Faith In The Plane Crash

Decent Essays

What the survivors of the plane crash had to go through would have been impossible to survive, if they had not relied on their faith to get them through it. They had to make incredibly hard decisions and without their faith they would have died. All of the boys came from religious families and religious communities. They grew up surrounded by faith and that is something they kept with them during their time stranded in the Andes. The boys felt like they were closer to God on the mountain and believed that, “God wants us to survive.” Without prayer to bring them together as a group every night it would have been impossible to stay sane. They all joined together and prayed to God whenever they needed guidance or strength. The boys joined together …show more content…

When they get to the cockpit of the plane the pilot asked the boys for his gun so he could shoot himself. The boys refused because it is against their religion, even though it would put the pilot out of his misery they refuse to help him because they could not condone suicide. “He asked to boys to fetch the revolver which he kept in his bag. The bag was nowhere to be seen, nor would Canessa and Zerbino have given him the gun if they had found it, because as Catholics, they could not condone suicide.” When the boys ran out of food some of them tried to convince the others to eat the meat off the dead bodies. Most of them refused because they could not bring themselves to eat human meat. Parrado had a very convincing argument that the souls had left the bodies and went to heaven, and that it was just like the body and blood at communion. Faith was the main thing they used to make decisions, they believed in God and knew he would guide them. They had complete faith in …show more content…

When the avalanche came they prayed the rosary together until the rumbling stopped. They felt closer to God on the mountain, and felt like he was among them. “Canessa began a continuous dialogue with God… ‘you can make it tough, God,’ he prayed,’but don’t make it impossible.” Whenever they went on an expedition they would pray for the expeditionaries, that they would return safely. Prayer brought them together as a group during their time of suffering and helped them make the difficult decisions. The boys were raised in religious families so they knew that they could pray whenever they needed something. Whether it be guidance or protection they knew that if they needed to ask God for something all they had to do was

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