
Faking Madness In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Catching a murderer is a daunting task especially for a person as shrewd as Hamlet. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet, the young prince of Denmark, is still grieving his father’s untimely death. Against Hamlet’s wishes, his mother quickly remarries to the king’s brother. Hamlet soon discovers that his father was murdered by his uncle, now the king, and Hamlet sets off to avenge his father. Hamlet feigns his madness so he can fool the King and ultimately murder him.
Hamlet is faking madness to deceive everyone and distract them from his real plot. In Act 2, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are interrogating Hamlet for the king, and Hamlet soon catches on to this. Hamlet tells them, “I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a hand-saw” …show more content…

Hamlet promises to his father’s ghost that he will avenge his unjust death. He says, “Haste me to know’t, that I with wings as swift as meditation, or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge” (1.5.29-31). He wants the ghost to quickly tell him the murderer's name to he can get revenge. Hamlet is outraged to find out that his father was murdered, especially that he was murdered by his own brother. When Hamlet discovers this he devises a plan to pretend to be crazy to kill the king without suspicion. In Act 3, Hamlet has a chance to kill Claudius, but he hesitates because Claudius looks like he is in prayer. He says, “A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven” (3.3.77-83). Hamlet’s father was killed in his sleep, so his sins were not forgiven and he was sent to purgatory. If Hamlet kills Claudius while he is praying, his sins would be forgiven and he would go to Heaven. Hamlet is actively seeking out opportunities to kill Claudius, so he has to keep up his facade of madness. Hamlet acts crazy so no one will be suspicious of him trying to kill the

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