
Fall Of The House Of Usher Essay

Decent Essays

1. Checklist Question What social forces and institutions are represented in the work? How are these forces portrayed? What is the author’s attitude toward them? 2. Thesis Statement In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Poe uses the themes of suspense, split personalities, and mystery explores a family so isolated from the real world around him. The protagonist has established their own imagination of what surrounds them. The House of Usher has its own place in the person’s mind, where it is ruled by its own set of rules and with no regard of how different it is from the real world. The House of Usher has twisted the mind of the protagonist to interpret two different personalities from Roderick and Madeline. The author focuses on multiple …show more content…

His reserve had been always excessive and habitual,” which in reality creates a sense of mystery of what their relation really is. There seems to be a great extent of division among the two even if they were ‘friends’ and as the protagonist also says about Roderick being reserved for the time being. Another evident information about isolation was shown in the text, “A small picture presented the interior of an immensely long and rectangular vault or tunnel, with low walls, smooth, white, and without interruption or device,” with the protagonist so heavily focused on Madeline but is envisioned from the perspective of Roderick. This is where the split personality comes into play where it changes from the perspective of the person from the beginning of the story to Roderick’s own personality. The way it was described truly transpires of how isolated the scenery was as it says how “immensely long” and or how there was no obstacles, “without interruption.” Finally, there seems to be no escape as the character must be trapped in its own world realizing how toxic the environment is, “The windows were long, narrow, and pointed, and at so vast a distance from the black oaken floor as to be altogether inaccessible from within.” There seems to be no evident way to escape as the windows are out of reach and very far; which

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