
Fall Of The Roman Empire

Decent Essays

The fall of the Roman Empire was started because of many things. In A.D 90 there were many religions such as: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, the worship of pagan gods, worship of many, many things. There was not just one religion set and stone. The fall of the Roman Empire kick started the spread of Christianity. A lot of people and a lot of historians have argued that the “new found faith” was a major part in the empire’s downfall. In 313 A.D. Christianity was legalized in Rome, later in 380 A.D. it became the main religion in Rome. Millions of Christians were murdered from the Coliseum “games”. The Coliseum was used for many different things such as: circus’s, plays, “Olympics”, and eating and killing of Christians. …show more content…

Because the people stopped worshipping the emperor, the political importance started to fail. No one really cared if they were the emperor; they were not being praised or worshipped any more so what was the point? Since no one cared to be the Emperor the government started to fail. Popes, Pastors, and other church leaders actually got more into the political affairs, making the government a little bit more complicated than it was before. Before Christianity was even a question, the Roman Empire was becoming bankrupt all because of the Roman politicians. They used all of their money creating huge, amazing, unnecessary empires consisting of roads and extraordinary safe traveling conditions so the people using the roads would have safe and easy travels. Christianity was not blamed for all of this doing and the bankruptcy because the Christians and the Christian religion had nothing to do with the bankruptcy. How could the people put all their faith in someone who was failing to keep their empire going? He was the reason they had no more money. It was hard for them to their trust in a pagan god when their “god” (the leader) was failing them. All the people tried to find a new “religion”, they wanted someone or something to put their

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