
False Teaching Research Paper

Decent Essays

To my little knowledge, I've never really had a thought that there could be false preachers of the word of God in the world today. Thinking of how someone can decide to use God's divine words for their selfish or evil purposes, makes me wonder if these kinds of people really want to live eternally or just prefer to go to hell even overwhelms me more. When we discussed 1 John in class, questions like; How can one determine who is a false teacher and who is not? Can someone still go to heaven if he was misled intro wrongdoing? who are they that are not scared of God? What do they gain when they mislead others into evil doing? Why are they created like that? Has the human race lost the sense of divinity? These questions always surrounded my head …show more content…

I realized that there is a lot of error that is being presented, accepted, and being responded to as truth yet it's a pack of lies. But as we discussed in class, we can't judge someone of being false teachers just because we disagree with them, but John clearly asserts that a false teacher is one who denies that Jesus came in flesh, died for our sins, and is true God. Now that we are all surrounded by false teachings and antichrists everywhere, what do we do? But as according to 1 John: 18-27, the presence of false teachers and false teachings is evidence of what the Bible calls the last days. In this, John is trying to warn that there is going to be even more false teachers as we get closer to the end of these last days. I think John wants us to ask ourselves if we are really paying attention or just watchers. Us being on guard, and staying firm on our feet in Christ is the only way we can win against all these deceivers. In 1 John 2:20-22, it talks about how we have the anointing of the Holy Spirit which helps us know the truth. Also, John wants us to understand that we should love what's of the world or things in the world for it is which our hearts and mind get easily bribed into that is the root cause of all these

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