
Family Change Lessons

Decent Essays

Option #1: My Story and Change Lessons
Moving is hard. In the summer of 2016, my family moved from the Twin Cities, Minnesota to the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Moving away from Minnesota was always our plan, however the housing market crash in 2008 created a negative equity situation with our home which we could not escape until 2016 (Demyanyk, Hryshko, Luengo-Prado, & Sørensen, 2013). This paper will explore our family’s change in moving across the country and the change lessons we learned along the way.
Moving to North Carolina
Moving to North Carolina was not an easy decision for our family. My family consists of my husband, me, and my two children, 12 and 10. I have lived in Minnesota for 20 years after growing up in Alaska, and my …show more content…

After living in Alaska and Minnesota our entire lives, we longed for an environment which was not as harsh as the cold and snowy winters we had experienced. Additionally, we wanted our family to experience a new culture, different activities, and learn how changes such as moving across the country can help them develop change skills to be brave in future opportunities. As one may suspect, the children were not happy about moving. In fact, they were miserable for most of the summer. Life had suddenly changed to include a stricter budget, stressed parents, and the home they had known was being transformed to a market-ready staged shell of their …show more content…

One change we did not have to address was new jobs for me and my husband. We both kept our current roles in Minnesota and transferred within the same position in our new location of North Carolina. Conversely, it has not been completely smooth for the kids changing schools and friends. My middle school aged child is having a harder time making friends and establishing a social circle like the one she had in Minnesota. At her age, friends have often already been made (Munton, 1990) and she is finding difficulty breaking into the social circle. Conversely, my son is loving being the king of the school in fifth grade and easily found many boys in the neighborhood to ride bikes with. Both have been unimpressed with the schools here and are both looking for additional enrichment opportunities because the schools in North Carolina lag far behind those in Minnesota. We will all continue to have challenges as we acclimate to our new

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