
Family Dynamics And Social Values

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Family Dynamics and Social Values in Race-Religion as Factors of Domestic Violence Much of the ethnic and religious ideologies existent in numerous communities today are the result of history’s shaping the societies into what they are today, particularly during the earlier stages of the development of a religion or the peak of an era. The principles and ideals formed then have gone through alterations with time, as cultures have merged since their foundations. While some views and philosophies have been virtually discarded, common beliefs pertaining to order, power, and manner within a family have been preserved and passed down through generations upon generations. Such morals often span to the extent of violence, especially where …show more content…

These viewpoints reinforce the attitude that violence is a husband’s right and that the woman is to blame. The findings of this study are related to studies in other Asian countries that share similar traditional attitude towards women” (Weingourt et al. 107).

The concept that women are merely a portion of a man’s assets and should be treated as though they are material goods provides the notion that a man has every right to do with the women he ‘owns’ as he wishes – whether he treats them as queens, as commoners, or as slaves is his and only his decision to make. In this context, where women “are treated like children” does not radiate a positive opinion on children, as they do not have proper power or control over their own lives. In other words, women and children were both scene as dependent, and, while a son could grow up to establish himself and become independent, a daughter would have to remain depended throughout her entire life. Thus, we can presume that, if women and children were considered the lower orders of the structure of a Japanese family, then adult men were considered the head honchos. A study on family violence towards married Cambodian women opens by introducing major determinants of domestic violence against women (Yount and Carrera 355–360). The contributing factors include the following: “A Woman’s Social and Economic

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