
Family Farm: The American Economy

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The family farm, an absolute necessity to our economy and way of life, is quickly disappearing, and the world could care less. The family farm is our nation’s source of food, clothing, medicine, shelter, and companionship. According to the Association of Science - Technology Centers the agriculture industry will have to increase by 70% by 2050 to be able to continue feeding the world. Due to these current trends and trade talks with China, farmers are trading their pitchforks for briefcases because they simply cannot afford to keep their families afloat. Without the family farm where will we find these vital nutrients? The family farm is viewed as something so unimportant that the nation feels they can turn a blind eye and the farm will be …show more content…

The family farm has been the backbone of the American economy from the very beginning. When the English came here to escape the king, the first task they set out to accomplish was to provide for themselves. Just like a bratty teenager, they fought for what they wanted and they succeeded, and the farm has been there to support them ever since. According to the U.S. Agriculture Census farmers and ranchers provide $992 billion to the national economy. They are able to do this because, local teenagers and young adults work for farmers, and then the farmer goes into town and spends thousands of dollars. To add perspective to their importance, one dairy cow provides $17,000 for the American economy each …show more content…

Each morning, they never know that the day is going to bring, they may have a plan but, mother nature is not one to allow that. Many farmers have multiple ventures, for example they could have three thousand acres of farmland, one hundred acres of pasture land, two confinement buildings for hogs, and hay to haul. With this much to do there is never time for a vacation, and even on holidays farmers have much to do. A family farm is very demanding on the whole family. Mothers are expected to carry on the household while her husband is somewhere in a tractor, and sometimes the mothers find themselves in the middle of a field helping to bring in the harvest. Many children are also expected to hold their own on the farm. Many times if the children play sports or are active in other organizations, they learn very quickly that their parents are not always able to be at every event. This kind of environment could seem like an odd place to grow up, but studies show that children who grow up on the farm gain many attributes that other children do not. When a child is raised on a farm and is held accountable for their own chores they develop a sense of responsibility, a strong work ethic, how to multitask, the meaning of a family bond, how to selfless, and most importantly they gain an understanding for life and death. Children do not only gain character traits, but they also gain a healthier immune system. A study by Environment and Behavior

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