
Family Habitat For Humanity

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was a traumatic situation. This is just one of the many stories that there are and one out of many families and individuals Habitat for Humanity has helped secure a home after a real life disaster. Another family Habitat for Humanity has helped Lamario Fourney and his family. Lamario Fourney is married to his high school sweetheart, Laquesha, and together they have 3 kids, 1 girl and 2 boys. Lamario stated that he always wanted to have a family but that he didn’t know it would happen so fast. As soon as his kids were born he wanted his kids to be the type to look up to him and say how great of a father he was. Him and his family lived in an apartment that was located in a rough area. They would hear gunshots, fights, loud parties throughout the night. The last straw for him was when his daughter told him a young girl in her 8th grade class was pregnant, him and his wife were shocked they didn’t know what to do after hearing that. Lamar and his family moved into one of the habitat for humanity homes. Since moving into this home Lamar’s favorite part of the day is coming home. Since moving into their new home their family has learned so much. They have so much more space that they didn’t have at their old apartment so now their kids can learn how to be themselves something they weren’t able to do when they were living in the small apartment. Lamar and his family were able to move and Lamar was able to be the dad that he wanted in the home he dreamed of. Although Lamar’s story

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