
Family Law Case

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A family law attorney basically deals with all the familial legal matters. Within a family and between family members there might arise a thousand types of situations that require the intermediation of an attorney who understands all the aspects of the family law. While there are situations like divorce and premarital agreement, there are also cases regarding child custody, adoption, and alimony. Given below are some of the things that family law attorney handles:

1. Marriage is one of the commonest aspects of family law. You may seek legal help and counsel before your marriage. Such meetings can be arranged to discuss your and your spouse's assets. You can also discuss the consequences of a divorce in respect to the properties. If you want to negotiate some terms of marriage, such a lawyer will also create a prenuptial agreement. There are also post nuptial agreements that discuss the distribution of assets in case of an eventual divorce. …show more content…

Child custody is another crucial area of practice by the lawyers who deal with family law. Such a case crop up when there is a divorce or in case of any form of abuse or mistreatments of the child. A lawyer negotiates for the custody of the child at the court. Such a lawyer also makes sure that child support is paid to the parent sharing the custody of the child. It is a major responsibility of the attorney to give the child/children in safe and caring hands.

4. Did you know that family law attorneys also represent children before the court of law? There are cases of being abused or neglected by the parents or guardian that requires the help of an experienced attorney. There are specialized lawyers for child advocacy.

5. In the cases related to divorce or the formation and signing of prenuptial or post nuptial agreements, proper legal decision about the distribution of estates is done by a family law attorney. An attorney ensured fair and just distribution of property and assets between the two people involved in the

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