
Family Leave Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Family Leave Research Paper Imagine someone just got out of college and they have found that special someone, have a steady job that pays well, and has been thinking about how they have always wanted to have a child of their own and now they can. That someone and their significant other finally gets the precious gift of a child of their own, but when they put in the request to get paid time off for maternity or paternity leave their boss declines the request. Now they have to make the decision either stay at their job and not be home with their newborn child in the most critical months or years of their life, or quit their job and not be able to support for the rest of their family until their son or daughter is ready to only have one parent home or have a babysitter. They are …show more content…

This country doesn’t help its citizens as much as it thinks it does when it comes to family leave. A fact from the Los Angeles Times(2014) states that, “The federal government deems workers eligible for unpaid parental leave only if they have been with their employer for at least 12 months, if their employer has at least 50 employees, and if they worked at least 1,250 hours during that year long period.” Due to these conditions not everyone that is on the workforce can be eligible for even unpaid leave, and this law it is unfair for the majority of small businesses and local businesses to grant their workers any time off for family leave. This leaves the parents in a predicament, with either having to only get unpaid time off for a short time or even having to quit their job and not being able to financially support their new family, or they can stay at their job and work and have the money for their new family and not have the precious bonding time with their children and may even lead to family issues in the

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