
Family Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

I have enrolled in this course as it is part of the curriculum for the Child Life, Administration, and Family Collaboration M.S. program. Being that this course is based around the development and maintenance of family relationships, it will add to my knowledge and understanding of family systems, which is incredibly important in a hospital setting such as the one that I currently volunteer at, as well as wherever my future career may take me. I feel that exploring family stories through case analyses will provide me with a broader understanding of various family systems.

2. What is your primary interest in the study of families?

As a future child life specialist, my primary interest in the study of families is the role that families play in the hospital setting, in addition to the effect that families have on hospitalized children. My career interest is in long-term hospitalization, particularly the oncology unit. Families play an important role in the long-term hospitalization of a child, as they influence hospital stressors as well as coping mechanisms. Aside from the family impacting the hospitalized child, the hospitalization of the child impacts the family, changing family dynamics and roles. I am interested to learn more about family dynamics and coping mechanisms used by families experiencing stressors such as these. 3. Describe some of your experiences with families. You may include both work and volunteer experiences.

I spent the past year volunteering at

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