
Famous Places In King Arthur's Majestic Life

Satisfactory Essays

Ernie Law
Price 1°
English AS 3-4
9 November 2015
Famous Places #24
In the Arthurian Legend, there are four main places that played key roles in King Arthur’s majestic life. The famous places that are linked to King Arthur’s life are the Tintagel Castle, Battle of Mt. Badon, Battle of Camlann, and Glastonbury. These four places are important because they show where King Arthur started in his life and where he ended his life. There are also many sources that tell what happened at these places, but it is up to the reader to decide which one to read or believe.
Tintagel Castle is a castle that is located on the north coastal tip of Cornwall, England. This castle is just about a mile outside of town which sits high and proud above the crashing …show more content…

Badon. The Battle of Mt. Badon was King Arthur’s second to last battle or his twelfth battle. The twelfth battle was thought to be the most severe and deadliest battle in King Arthur’s life. According to Nennuis in his story The History of the Britons, this battle was thought to have occurred between a group called the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons in the late fifth century. During this battle, King Arthur destroyed the Mount Badon leaving a track of dead bodies everywhere around that site. An estimate of 960 Saxons died in one day, as a result from Arthur's dominant army. This battle was particularly known to be one of the greatest victories for King Arthur during his life span over the Anglo-Saxons. With the Saxons defeated, they were all forced to agree to a period of peace with the Celts. Today the battle’s location is still unknown of, but it is thought to have occurred at Solsbury Hill. Solsbury Hill is near the modern day city of Bath according to Nennius in his book called the Historia Brittonum. A recent study shows that the words Bath and Badon have the same meaning and are likely the same exact …show more content…

Glastonbury is a small rural town located in Somerset, England. However, before this became a town, Glastonbury was almost an island with wetlands surrounding it. Over the years it has been said that King Arthur was buried here and finished his life at Glastonbury. Since Glastonbury was very close to being a small island at once, it is highly possible and most likely that a boat brought King Arthur to Glastonbury where possible medical attention was available after being severely wounded from his nephew in the Battle of Camlann. After dying from his wounds, Arthur was said to be buried on the south side of the cemetery, right in the middle of two large stone pyramids. Eventually, a man named Henry II, the King of England at that time had information about the cemetery and asked the Abbot to dig within the site of the cemetery . Around 1191, a large wooden coffin was discovered and right beneath the coffin, a white lead cross that read “Hic jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arturius in insula Avalonia.” If translated into english, it would say “Here lies King Arthur buried in Avalon.” In the coffin two intact bodies were found inside it. One was King Arthur and the other was his wife, Guinevere. Unfortunately, Henry did not see these bodies due to his health. After the bones were later discovered, they were soon placed into a new tomb and moved to the South Transept of the site. In 1278 King Edward I and Queen Eleanor

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