
Fast Foodborne Pathogens

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There are many factors of obesity in the U.S and many other countries around the world. Yet one of the most prominent reasons for increasing weight gain, health risks, and foodborne illness outbreaks, is fast food. Little does the average crowd of hungry customers know what is being fed to them, or what they’re getting themselves into. Fast food is addicting, with high amounts of additives, cheap prices, and convenient locations, it’s hard to resist if oblivious to the hazards. In a year, residents will pay more for fast food than on movies, books, magazines, videos and much more, and for a cheap price too. This being a result of another corporation chain tactic to lure in consumers. In other terms, it’s better to pay less, and make more in the end for companies. Choosing to eat healthier in the United States is slowly shifting power from the consumer to the producer as many companies and fast food restaurants increase the …show more content…

Food will always contain bacteria, yet there are a few that can be harmful. Each day there are about 200,000 people in the U.S that become ill due to foodborne Pathogens. Salmonella is a bacteria that has the ability to contaminate raw meats, and make consumers of this meat very sick. This is just one of the many foodborne illnesses that can occur from improper preparation, or mistreatment of meats. Typically, salmonella can occur because the meat isn’t cooked all the way through. In the case of salmonella from fast food, it could of just happened because a worker was incompetent and inexperienced. If food, especially raw meat is left out in room temperature or in hot weather for too long, it may spoil. Also, cross contamination is a big deal because once you have mixed in your produce with your raw meat, now everything is contaminated. Otherwise, there are ways of keeping a safe distance from foodborne

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