
Fate In Macbeth

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Fate is the strongest force in our lives however fate is more of a destination rather than a guiding outline . This happens in Macbeth when the witches tell Macbeth he will be king, but do not say how he will become king. The actions we take to reach our fate are our own choice and no matter what we do will reach our fated end. In life, fate is often set in stone and the actions we take to reach our goals can sometimes differ from our expectations. The final destination, however, will be the same. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the protagonist, Macbeth believed he was fated to become king because of the witches prophetic visit.. However, the actions he took to reach the position of king were his choice. I chose to paint II:ii in which Macbeth himself …show more content…

I chose to do a visual art project because it allowed me to express the importance of choices and how they can be different and we will still reach our fate’s. By doing an art project it was a more effective way to visually express certain aspects of the scene(s) that would have been lost if I were to express it verbally. The painting of Macbeth killing Duncan and then to the right he has become king is visually expressing the outcome of Macbeth’s choice to kill Duncan. Below that Macbeth is shown serving Duncan and then becoming king. The dichotomy of these two scenes I have depicted shows that if Macbeth’s actions were different he still would’ve become king. This is the main focus of my project that no matter the choices you make your destiny or the outcome of something will remain the same. Macbeth is simply told by the witches he will become king he isn’t told how to become king or when he will be king. For example when the witches say,”thou shalt be king hereafter”(I.iii.53). The witches are simply telling Macbeth what is going to happen and not the actions he is supposed to take if he is supposed to take any action at …show more content…

These things best support the idea of how our choices will have the same ending, because when something is fated be a certain way the outcome is already decided. The main theme of my project is that fate is absolute no matter the actions someone might take, however people can take many different ways to get to the same place. The witches provide Macbeth with many prophecies throughout the play in which they tell him his fate. When the witches tell Macbeth,”that shalt be king hereafter”(I.III.53). The witches only tell Macbeth his fate and nothing more in his prophecy. With fate the actions someone could take could be different but the outcome would be the same so Macbeth would still have become King if his actions were

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