
Fate In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

‘Greek tragedies often presented a tragic hero… who was essentially good but vulnerable to a ‘fatal flaw’… that would result in their downfall…The downfall was inevitable…-and so-the tragic hero could not avoid what was destined.’ (Ryan, 2004) Shakespeare was the pioneer of tragedy and wrote 39 plays all fitting into categories of tragedy, comedy and history, Romeo and Juliet is one of his most well-known. Romeo and Juliet captures two families, Montague and Capulet in the midst of their ancient grudge when the only daughter of the Capulet’s, Juliet falls in love with the youngest son of the Montague’s, Romeo. Romeo and Juliet secretly marry but in the end kill themselves as they cannot live without one another. The mobilization of fate, great …show more content…

Fate is first introduced in the prologue when audience is told that the ‘…pair of star-cross’d lovers…’ (Prologue.6) are cursed ‘from the fatal loins of these two foes’ (prologue.5) Fate again interferes with Romeo and Juliet when Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio are on a street on their way to the Capulet’s masquerade party and Romeo recalls the warning in his dream. ‘Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars,’ (1.4.113) is to say that if Romeo enters the Capulet household he will suffer grave repercussions. Fate is shown when Friar John was kept in quarantine as it was thought he was exposed to a plague and could not send Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo. This dismissive action on Friar John’s part leads to Romeo hearing of Juliet’s temporary death from Balthasar proving that fate conspires against Romeo and Juliet. ‘I defy you, stars!’(5.1.24) Romeo states before deciding to commit poisonous suicide which allows him to be with Juliet even if dead and allows him to elude fate. Fate plots against Romeo and Juliet’s love by forcing them apart by death though Romeo’s impulsiveness sanctioned his suicide, so this fatal flaw was a lethal instrument in the

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