
Father-Son Relationship In Antigone By Sophocles

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Sophocles’ play, Antigone, presents conflicts such as Antigone vs. Creon and Antigone vs. Ismene. However, there is an overlooked conflict between Creon and his son, Haemon. This father-son conflict stems from the view that a son should be submissive to his father. However, Haemon does not abide his role of being submissive to his father and tries to entangle himself with his father role, which indirectly results in his death. As well through analysis of Creon’s and Haemon’s relationship gives an insight to their fates; and furthermore, sheds light on the underlying issue between democracy and dictatorship in the Greek society.

Creon views the father-son relationship as one of submission. This view is evident when Creon says to Haemon, “stand behind fatherly advice on all counts/Keep [the son] at home, and have him listen to what he’s told” (Antigone 640/42). This view makes it blatant that Creon believes that a son should stand behind his father and not interfere with the father’s actions. Similarly, the son should obey the father under any circumstances. Obedience under any circumstance connotes a sense of submissiveness on the part of the son because the son has to obey his father's actions whether the actions are ethical or unethical. Creon expects Haemon’s submission, on all circumstances, especially when he subjects Haemon’s bride-to-be, Antigone, to her death. However, Haemon believes that her death sentence is unethical and harsh. Therefore, he attempts to sway

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