
Fatme Dakroub Case

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Fatima Mossolem In today’s world Islam is depicted as an evil religion, one that will surely ensure the deaths of your loved ones, so it may come as a surprize that Islam is the fastest growing religion worldwide. It is even predicted that by 2050 Islam will surpass Christianity as the largest religion, growing from 1.6 billion people to 2.8 (LIPKA). Today Muslims make up around 32% of world population, so it’s a sort of conundrum that around 3,000-5,000 hate crimes are committed against people of this faith annually (FBI). Fatme Dakroub was detained on May 17, 2015 for speeding in a parking lot while on vacation with her family in Ocean County. She was falsely arrested for driving under an expired license, and was quickly, taken into custody …show more content…

They have partnered up with CAIR, or Council on American-Islamic Relations, to start a movement allowing Muslim women to wear scarves in jails. MCSO jail was one of the first to implement a policy regarding the wearing of religious head coverings by detainees and inmates (MCSO). Both CAIR and ACRL are funded by donations, and government funding. So far in 2015 CAIR has raised $178,168 in charitable donations, CAIR does not receive any substantial government funding and is a nonprofit organization. All members of CAIR have donated their time to help spread their message, they receive little to no compensation for any work that do, unless of course a client decides to give a specific person funds. CAIR is working specifically with ACRL and giving this case media attention on not only their facebook page but also on several blog posts and website posts. They are also helping advise Ms. Dakroub on how to proceed with this case. They have stated that Fatme Dakroub’s case is special because they “want to set a precedent that will go towards eliminating bigotry on any level in this country” (CAIR). CAIR currently has 77,494 likes on Facebook, which is where they post most of their information for the public (Facebook). In a telephone interview I had conducted with Sadyia Khalique the director of operations at the New York chapter of CAIR she said that they reach over 100,000 people through all mix media. She also stated that CAIR does not only have to represent those of muslim faith but are willing to advocate for any person or group that has been discriminated against (Sadyia). ACRL is an activist group, much like CAIR, whose main goal is to combat racism and discrimination against muslims. This group is taking the

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