
Fear In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

Decent Essays

When thrust into a terrifying situation people often act irrationally. Why is this? Scary situations show how one’s imagination can obtrude upon their common sense. This creates unnecessary fear, and causes irrational decisions. A fear of the unknown, a lack of experience with the situation, and a will to live cause the imagination to go into overdrive, and poor choices to be made. Certainly, a fear of the unknown will often get in the way of common sense. In “The Fall of the House of Usher”, Roderick believes that he buried his sister alive in the tomb. He is terrified of the uncertainty that he feels after this. It prompts him to run around screaming about how he is afraid she's going to rise up and kill him. The biggest factor of his fear is uncertainty for the future. This fear makes his imagination run wild with the idea of his sister rising from her tomb and attacking him. Instead of acting rationally and leaving the house, he instead runs around screaming. Another example of how fear of the unknown effects common sense is in “House Taken Over”, when the owners leave …show more content…

If Roderick had been a mass murderer or someone who dealt with death often he would’ve had less fear of it and acted different. Instead he lets his imagination get the best of him as he makes bad choices because of his lack of experience with death after he puts his sister, alive, in the tomb. In “THTO” if the brother and sister had been prepared with prior knowledge, of similar invasions, the situation would've gone differently. The couple leaves what may happen up to their imagination, causing them to sit back on their heels, letting the attackers take over without the couple taking what they can and evacuating. If they’d had experience with this type of encounter they’d have acted more rationally in this scary situation, without their mind getting the best of

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