
Fear In The Story Of An Hour

Decent Essays

Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” depicts a picture of a young lady named Louise Mallard that is plagued with two fears. The first fear as stated in (para.1) that she had “heart trouble” of what nature we do not know. The second fear was that she live the rest of her days, mere existence with a man that is cold, non-compassionate, and controlling. She had no way out for Brently Mallard, her husband was in complete control of her life and she was miserable (para 14) “and yet she loved him—sometime”, but, not often. She lived in a sadness that was seen on her face whether in his presence or not.
The new of the death of her husband was presented to her by her sister and family friend, the sadness, real or fake soon passed what seemed to

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