
Federalist Paper

Decent Essays

Federalist Papers Federalist papers are a series of articles authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, which argued in favor of ratifying the proposed constitution of the United States; the Federalist Papers outlined the philosophy and motivation of the document. Federalist No. 10, Madison analyzes the nature, causes and effects of factions, by which he meant groups of people motivated by a common economic and/or political interest. Factions are both the product and prize of liberty, Madison argued that “by extending the sphere in which they can act, you make it less probable that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens.” Factions are perceived as a problem because they mostly work against public interest, and infringe upon the right of others; this is why factions is endemic in popular forms of government, because in popular governments, factions band together to advance their own self-interests at others' expense causing aggravation to the rest of the community.
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Checks and balances were created as institutional safeguards to prevent one branch of the government from amassing to much power and influence; the Checks and balances separate the powers that conform the powers of a country such as: legislative, executive and judicial power. The legislative power is directed through the Congress, the executive power directed by the President, and the judicial power by the Supreme Court. Federalism is the layered form of government that integrates the national government and the local state governments, as expressed in the 10th amendment of the Bill of Rights. Last, the electoral college, is a system of indirect election in which the people chose electors whose allotment to the states according to the base on number of

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