
Fellowship Of The Ring And The Hobbit

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In the year 1541 King Aragorn dies and the last two members of the Fellowship of the Ring, Gimli son of Gloin and Legolas Greenleaf, are said to have built a ship in which they sailed to Aman.1 Gimli would be the first dwarf to ever be allowed to cross over into the West, and it is implied that Galadriel may have had some involvement in this allowance.2 It is also stated that Gimli agrees to go because he wishes to see her beauty again before his death.3
As for Gimli’s poem, dwarven songs and poetry in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are written in a rhythmic type of prose. They also address the depth of mountains, the creations wrought by the Dwarves, and their wealth in jewels and gold. The structure of these two works would likely

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