
Female Inferiority In Mackinnon's The Yellow Wallpaper

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me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman?"(Truth) Truth’s stamens recognizes women's ability and does away with gender roles created by society. It is this mindset that raises women up and puts them on level ground with men. This is not to say that women are not sexually victimized more than men, but to strictly attribute that to their physical makeup stigmatizes them as inherently inferior. This is no different than stigmatizes a person because of the color of their skin. Thus, MacKinnon's effort to eliminate sexually explicit expression that, in her view, perpetuates the concept of female inferiority, itself perpetuates the concept of female inferiority. …show more content…

Because she has her own money, she is not dependent on
Sykes and is not forced to continue an abusive relationship in order to be economically secure.
Her life and wellbeing are not linked to his. Economic independence allows Delia to terminate her abuse. Although from a higher socioeconomic class, the narrator from the
Yellow wallpaper, is wholly dependent on her husband. This places the power in his hands and severely stifles her autonomy. If he were to die, her situation could potentially get worse, as she does not have the means to provide for herself. Thus, her abuse and tourney is destined to continue. This is not to say that sex or pornography are the only ways women can or should generate an income. The examples above are meant to illustrate how significant economic self-sufficient can be to female liberation. Mackinnon’s stance on pornography is wrong because it would take away one of the ways women can earn a living, thus limiting their autonomy. The principal aim of feminism is to achieve equal political, economic, and social status

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