
Female Origination Research Paper

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3.2. ANOVA Origination Rate
The tests for normality, examining standardized skewness and the Shapiro-Wilks test indicated the data were statistically normal for origination rates. However, the Levene's F test revealed a violation of the homogeneity of variance assumption by race was not met for female originations (p = .025). As such, the Welch's F test and the posthoc James-Howell procedures were used. The results presented in Table 4 capture the one-way ANOVA for the race effect on origination rate. For females, the one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant main race effect on origination rates, Welch’s F(4, 9.87) = 30.07, p < .001, ω2 = .83. Omega squared has shown approximately 83% of the total variation in females’ origination …show more content…

(2-tailed) Mean Difference d

Origination 0.45 0.519 -2.11 8 0.068 -2.27 1.33 Denial 0.87 0.377 1.36 8 0.212 0.86 -0.86 Fallout 0.05 0.831 2.98 8 0.018 1.41 -1.89

Origination 0.02 0.887 -0.68 8 0.514 -1.04 0.43 Denial 1.35 0.279 0.02 8 0.986 0.02 -0.01 Fallout 0.17 0.694 1.75 8 0.118 1.02 -1.11

Origination 0.01 0.924 -0.50 8 0.627 -0.92 0.32 Denial 0.03 0.866 -0.04 8 0.966 -0.05 0.03 Fallout 0.00 0.988 1.29 8 0.233 0.97 -0.82 …show more content…

One-way ANOVA: Post-Housing Crisis Origination Rates by Race and Statistics

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Gender Levene’s Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Male 1.732 4 20 0.182
Female 3.509 4 20 0.025

Gender Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Welch's Fa df1 df2 Sig.
Male Between Groups 41.88 4 10.47 27.62 0.000 5.71 4 9.72 0.012 Within Groups 81.65 20 4.08 Total 123.53 24
Female Between Groups 38.49 4 9.62 20.16 0.000 8.37 4 9.74 0.003 Within Groups 73.26 20 3.66 Total 111.75 24
Comparisons Dependent Variable = Origination Rate, Post Hoc Tests = Games –Howell
Gender (I) Race (J) Race Mean Differenceb (I-J) Std. Error Sig. d
Male White Black 13.17 1.33 0.000 6.27 Hispanic 7.81 1.52 0.009 3.25 Asian -0.73 1.39 0.982 -0.33 Native American 11.89 1.91 0.006 3.93
Female White Black 14.40 1.31 0.000 6.97 Hispanic 9.16 1.47 0.004 3.93 Asian 2.80 1.25 0.264 1.42 Native American 11.95 2.30 0.019 3.30
a. Asymptotically F

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