
Feminism In The 1960s

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In the 1960s the women in the Western hemisphere were balancing between multiple different, simultaneusly affecting ideologies. Woman should have first of all been an obedient mother, who always thinks of the family's benefit, but at the same time the growing significance of the education and the fresh confidence endorsed by the women's movements distanced women from the traditional values (see Hobsbawm, 1995 & Boch, 2002). After the Second World War Women's awareness of their own status and finding a shared support group started the so called second wave of Feminism, which started to gain masses attention in 1960s. The European second wave Feminism was greatly influenced by the vanguards in the United States (Bock, 2002). One of the most important …show more content…

Until now the discussion has taken into account factors that are not in a straight connection with the family, however, the family should not be forgotten. The structure of families and the values compined to it have a great impact on women's social position. As already stated, the decades after the war was a time of social and cultural transformation. The social structures changed, and so did the attitudes towards the traditional values. The social focus shifted from national survival to women, children and welfare. due to the medical adventages and better healthcare child mortality sank. The size of families decreased when people moved from the country side to the cities. These turns changes woman's position in the society and permitted a new way of social influencing and participation. In 1970s the amounth of divorces grew drastically and the traditional family model got competitors. The idea of a single-parent, though mostly formed of mother and children rather than of father and children, was not alien anymore. (Hobsbawm, 1995) The variety in the family models offered different positions for women. No longer they were only either girls, wifes or mothers, but also students, emplyees and

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