
Feminism 's Role As A Vehicle For Social And Political Commentary Essay

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Literature has long held a significant role as a vehicle for social and political commentary. This fact can be attributed to its ability as a cultural medium to educate and entertain. Over the past several decades the social-political movement of feminism has been adopted in many literary works. The concept of Feminism is concerned with the analysis "of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerning the experiences of women, especially regarding their social, political, and economic situation." As a social and political movement, feminism’s primary focus is in establishing and securing equal civil, political, economic and social rights for women. The adoption of feminism in literature has led to the examination of many facets of life with an intent to underline the efforts of society to uphold and reinforce the influence of the patriarchy. Feminism in literature is typically conveyed as an expression of discontent towards the attitudes of society regarding the identity and rights of women. This expression of discontent is accomplished through examining and commenting on feminist issues such as gender roles, power structures, exploring feminine identity and sexuality, and the ways women are marginalized in their professional and private lives. Through their treatment of the female perspective both the novels As for Me and My House by Sinclair Ross and Surfacing by Margaret Atwood depict elements of feminism. The use of the

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