
Understanding Feminism Essay

Decent Essays

Some men as well as women think that part of the feminism’s definition is that women want to be men. That is so far from the truth. Having the same rights and equalities of men is not the same as wanting a penis. Feminism has a misconception of being a movement that is anti-male. An example of this thinking is a quote from Reverend Jerry Farwell “Feminists hate man. They’re sexist. They hate men - that’s the problem” (David, 1998). Some people object to the language change in feminism that is the change of a “police officer” from a “policeman”. These thoughts are from the same people who don’t believe that women should even be allowed to vote. Unfortunately some people cannot see the big picture on how the feminist movement has …show more content…

Women’s service work has the fatal combination of responsibility and powerlessness as they are held responsible for the good outcomes for men and children reducing then to a servant level. Men do not serve women as women serve men. By overcoming oppression, sexism can be eliminated. Creating a just society for women would result in the elimination of sexism in all areas. The areas that have had the most significant changes are the legal system and employment. Most progress in the legal area has been in family law, greater equality between spouses and child support payments. Another area has been to secure appropriate rewards for work performed by women. This includes work that is both paid and unpaid which involves the realization that the two are inextricably linked. From this, better child care, maternity/paternity benefits in employment and some recognition in both the pension system and in the case of divorce of work performed by a housewife. Employment equity and pay equity have become concern for unions, employers and governments. Some programs promote women into levels and types of occupations that they were historically discriminated against. The most controversial field of feminist’s actions is women’s rights to the control over their bodies with respect to fertility, sexual relationships, rape and medical power over women’s health. Male control over women’s bodies has also traditionally expressed itself through

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