
Feminist Manifesto By Mina Loy Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Personally, I am not a feminist but i know many women who are and i support them in every way. In this case with Mina Loy’s view on Feminist i find very interesting and intriguing. My view on “Feminist Manifesto”is that Mina Loy is trying to prove a statement to the reader about how women need to start a revolution against men and prove that woman can achieve power. An example of this is when she says “Women if you want to realise yourselfs-you are on the eve of a devastating psychological upheaval- all you pet illusions must be unmasked-....” (Loy 338). I feel like this is saying how if women want to prove and make a stand for themselves be prepared for battle. The “mask” that women wear will be taken off because they will not hiding anymore

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