
Ferrante's Image Of Paradise In Dantes Inferno

Decent Essays

In ways more than one, Dante Alighieri paints a rough image of purgatory as the direct opposite of paradise in Inferno. In essence, Dante’s picture of hell is the opposite of what is stood for by paradise. Going by this point of view, it can be argued that the direct opposite image of heaven (purgatory) also represents how the terrestrial world. Mark Musa’s book Dante's Inferno: the Indiana Critical Edition is a collection of critical explorations of Dante’s work by various scholars (Musa). Of interest is the essay by Joan Ferrante, Hell as the Mirror Image of Paradise. Ferrante studies this hypothesis in detail by exploring the idea that purgatory should be conceived regarding what it is rather than what it is not. According to Ferrante, hell was not made by Lucifer or God. …show more content…

Also, when people knowingly commit sins, they are damning themselves in one way or another. Ferrante then describes how the souls of the last among the traitors were hanging from Satan’s mouth, meaning that they were being fed on by Satan because they assassinated the first emperor of the Roman Empire. By this, Ferrante is making an interesting reference to Brutus and Cassius who betrayed Julius Caesar. Another point that Ferrante makes by bringing this into perspective is his argument that evil consumes his followers in hell that he created. This helps in establishing the assumption that Lucifer’s fall from heaven was necessary in that if facilitated the return of humanity to heaven. This is supported by the fact that the evil Virgil guided Dante in confronting whatever was in hell because he was providing the means of climbing out of purgatory (Ferrante

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