
Fertilizer Distance Science Experiment Research Plan

Decent Essays

Fertilizer Distance Science Experiment Research Plan


No other experiments have been performed testing how the distance of fertilizer from a seed of wheat affects the plant’s growth, but there are many other related experiments. Experiment 502, conducted from 1971 to 2015 in Lahoma, Oklahoma, measured the wheat grain yield response to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization. An average increase of 14 bushels/acre/year in the first 10 years of the experiment when 80 pounds of N as ammonium nitrate was applied preplant. Grain %N increased linearly up to 100 lb. N/ac in the last 20 years. (North Central Experiment Station, 2015) Another related experiment is the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment at Rothamsted (UK). The …show more content…

(Pauly, 2009) Phosphorous is also a significant element of fertilizer that improves the other nutrients’ effectiveness. Wheat needs phosphorous for healthy roots and early plant growth. (Roberts 1998) “Wheat growth and development may be retarded if any one of these elements is lacking in the soil or if a nutrient is not adequately balanced with other nutrients.” (Pauly 2009) In order to receive nutrients, the roots of a plant absorb water from a concentration gradient underground and transport it the the stem of the plant. (Barber, Walker, Vasey, 1963)

Out of the various substances in fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer supplies key nutrients for the development of wheat. Because nitrogen fertilizer has little residue, it does not harm the environment as much as other fertilizers. (Lam, Chen, Norton, Armstrong, 2012) “Corn, wheat, and rice, the fast-growing crops on which humanity depends for survival, are among the most nitrogen hungry of all plants. They demand more, in fact, than nature alone can provide.” (Charles 2013)

The safety hazards of the fertilizer used in this experiment include discomfort to eyes from the dust, irritated skin from extended or frequent direct contact with the fertilizer, a headache, dizziness, or vomiting from indigestion of large amounts of fertilizer, and irritated nose, throat, and lungs due to inhalation of fertilizer dust. Extreme heat. Avoid contact with strong alkalies,

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