
Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

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Fahrenheit 451 Research
In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury depiction of censorship utilize the importance of education, the dangerous memories, the burning of books.The novel has three parts to trace the argument about memory. In Fahrenheit 451 education was way different than today. Bradbury used many different literature structures.Bradbury also have a use of technology,but it's not like modern day technology. Ray Bradbury’s use of figurative language,such as metaphors and symbols they are strongly connected to critical arguments.Bradbury wants to give people literature structures while they read.When he use those structures, the novel will become more entertaining. Montag uses metaphors variety of times throughout the novel.”There are five …show more content…

state.”(Hoskinson 129) “In the scene involving Montag and fire chief Beatty,Montag was ordered to burn his own house to purge it of anti-state matter.” Montag was a fireman who burned books that were banned books.Some books should be banned cause some authors do not do too good. They should not be burned,because the authors can learn from their mistakes. They could also let people read them,and tell why they should be banned. In the novel,montag burns the captain to death. He thought that if he did that he would get rid of his burning problems.”The book burning fireman stole a book,but he was suppose to destroy it. The good thing is that he went from burning books to using the books to …show more content…

The way he connects it to other thing,so that there is parallel structure. He also teaches in his novel,and they are catching. The novel also introduced us to technology in his days. Their wall tvs might even be different from ours to. Their education program is way different from ours. We have to learn each hour we are in a class.In today society we do not have that much freedom in any school.There firmans were used to start fires,but in today fireman put out fires.Bradbury used many structures to catch our attention.

Works Cited
Bogar,Adam T. and Szigethy,Rebeka Sara.”Bradbury,Technology,and the Future of Reading.”Critical Insight:Fahrenheit 451. Ed.Rafeeq O. McGiveron. Hackensack: Salem,2013. N. pag. Salem online.Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
Mchugh,Anna.”The Argument about Memory in Fahrenheit 451.”Critical Insight:Fahrenheit 451. Ed. Rafeeq O. McGiveron. Hackensack: Salem, 2013. N. pag. Salem Online. Web. 25 Apr. 2017
Nichols,Phil “Classic Cut To Fit?”Fahrenheit 451 and It Appeal in Other Media.”Critical Insight:Fahrenheit 451. Ed.Rafeeq O. McGiveron. Hackensack: Salem, 2013. N. pag. Salem Online. Web. 25 April.2017
Reid,Robin Anne. “Genre,censorship,and cultural changes:Critical Reception of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 from the 1950s to 2000s.”Critical Insights:Fahrenheit 451. Ed. Rafeeq O. McGiveron. Hackensack: Salem, 2013. N. pag. Salem Online.Web 25 Apr. 2017

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