
Figurative Language In Raymond's Run

Satisfactory Essays

Sometimes what you think you want is not always it. "Raymond's run" is written by Toni Cade Bambara. In this story she uses characterization to set the theme. Bambara uses minor characters to effect the rest of the story. She uses Gretchen's character to be rude to Squeaky, and to push her to be the best she can be. Bambara also uses Raymond, at the end of the story, to change her mind-set of winning. Toni Cade Bambara also uses figurative language to make the characters unique "...the man on the loud speaker is clear as a bell now." Is a simile showing the man sounds clear clear, but it's also showing Squeaky likes to compare things. "...and 5 million other things he's always dropping..." is a hyperbole showing that Mr.Pearson is a clumsy

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