
Figurative Meaning Of Wuthering Heights

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Exposition and Other Mechanics
How might the title relate to the text?
The novel’s title Wuthering Heights is known by the text as “the name of Mr. Heathcliff’s dwelling” (Brontë 4). The adjective “wuthering” appears to illustrate the environment (literally and figuratively). Literally, it is “descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed, in stormy weather” (Brontë 4). This further explains that figurative meaning of the title, suggesting and foreshadowing much chaos and conflicts, adding a gloomy tone and bleak image, which are main characteristics of gothic novels.
Why might the author have chosen it over any other title?
The author chooses this title as a metaphor for the plot of the book. The term “wuthering” refers to a fierce and violent wind. This refers to the conflicts that occur within the house. However, the whole title is “Wuthering Heights,” which refers to Heathcliff’s home. The text states “Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong”, which could indicate the perseverance that the characters have to withstand the “wuthering” conflicts (Brontë 4).

The first few pages:
Discuss how the book begins (first few pages)
The first few pages begin with Lockwood introducing us to Heathcliff, Joseph, and their unwelcoming attitudes. When Lockwood is attacked by the dogs, both are unmoved and react coldly to his pleas for help. Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights, knowing that his hosts do not like visitors, but insists on

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