
Filibuster Process

Decent Essays

In this paper I will be defining and explaining the process of Filibuster and Judicial Review. A Filibuster being mainly focused on how it is conducted in the US senate, and the rules that go with it. A Judicial Review and how it may be called for and the process that goes with it. As well as how both actions relate to the process of making and implementing laws. A Filibuster by definition “ an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures.” (Google Search) A Filibuster can also be used as a tactic to stop a piece of legislation from passing, and has been a common tool in the minority party arsenal for a very long time. Once a senator has started a Filibuster he or she may continue to speak on any topic or subject, and can only be stopped by a three-fifths closure vote by the other members of the senate. It was also applicable in the House of Representatives until 1842 when rules were adopted to limit the time of debate. …show more content…

In other words the senate can change the rules of the functions and procedures that go on in the senate. A good example of such rule changes occurred in 2013 when the democrat controlled senate voted to change the rule required to end a Filibuster; Instead of there being a 3/5 closure vote a the rule that now exists is only a majority vote, aka 51 or grater votes. This dramatically benefited in the passing of laws during the Obama Presidency, but as of the writing of this paper has since backfired on them as the senate is now controlled by a majority republican party, thus rendering the Filibuster completely

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