
Filling the Void: Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill and Others on Identity

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It is common knowledge that in the past religion and myths were just ways for societies to explain events and occurrences that citizens of ancient societies did not have enough advanced knowledge to understand. It was also used as a way to oppress others, as seen in the explanation of class order and royalty as God placing a person where they were meant to be and that there was nothing one could do about it, because who can go against God himself? Religion played an even bigger part than that though, being a large part of every person’s identity and something for a country and its people to unit over. But as society slowly aged, and governments were reorganized and re-structured, one can see a reduction in religion being a part of …show more content…

The chapter goes on to say that revolutions happen and society will be restructured, but with capitalism in the country history is doomed to repeat itself. Only with communism, the essay states, can there be class equality among Europe. The next three chapters, "Proletarians and Communists", "Socialist and Communist Literature", and "Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Opposition Parties", just speak more specifically about the political party of communism and what it had to do with general society in that time period and in the future. This document has a lot to do with filling the void of identity in the way that citizens of society were becoming unhappy. The lower class, without the claim of religion, was no longer content to stay within their class. It was nearly impossible for one to move classes, and this want for the proletarians to be like the bourgeois did help to spark the flame of revolution. Therefore, with a document like this, the ‘equal for all’ ideology of communism would replace the identity of religion because it would soothe the anger of the lower class. It would also work to bring together a group of people for one cause, creating a group identity as well as a personal one. In the short essay On Liberty by John Stuart Mill, published in 1859, we are able to see the idea of liberty as a viable option for identity.

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