
Film Anallysis: Fast and Furious Six

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I was watching Fast n’ Furious Six with my best friend. We are a part of Scotland Yard, Her Majesty’s finest men and women. I had an investigation to do, but we needed a break. The investigation was at a dead end and we needed new ideas and taking a break was the best thing we could think of. The credits had finished and the TV was a solid black

My best friend looked over to me and broke the silence. “Hey, did you know that Paul Walker and Vin Diesel were best friends, in the movie and in real life? Yeah, when Walker died, Vin Diesel flew to straight his family to spend time with them, thinking they needed his strength but he broke down in front of them and Walker’s mom said ‘Sorry.’ ‘Sorry for what?’ Vin asked, ‘You are the mother who lost a son.’ ‘Yeah’ she said, ‘but you lost your other half.’ ”

I was about to say “Aww,” but I was interrupted by a runner. who had a message for us. She was a fairly tall red head, She walked into the room and announced: “Captain Rugerson needs you in his office now. It’s about your investigation.“ The runner

We both shrugged and walked over to the Captain’s office. We opened the door and he gestured for us to take a seat. He was a bulky, brown haired man with blue eyes. He had a large amount of wrinkles and was fairly old, but looked older because of his addiction to thick Cuban Cigars. It’s a stressful business and so it isn’t uncommon for a Scotland Yard agent to smoke a pack or so a day, but you have never seen

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