
Film Analysis: Fast Fashion

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1. Over the last century, the world of services had tremendously changed. Online dating companies, life coaches, party animators, wedding planners and grave-side visitors didn’t exist, even as ideas. Especially, rent-a-mom, rent-a-dad, rent-a-grandma, and rent-a-friend never was existed. These services proliferate in a world that undermines community and believes in the superiority of what’s for sale. According to Hochschild, “the more anxious and isolated we are and the less help we receive from nonmarket sources, the more we feel tempted to fill the void with market offerings.” Greater isolations results in greater demand for market services and professionals to fill in what’s missing. The more hooked individuals get on what the market sells, the more convinced people are that paid expertise is what they lack. The greater people’s dependence on …show more content…

Three of the three costs of Fast Fashion are environmental pollution, chemicals on cotton or leather, abuse, and the crashing of buildings. In the film, they showed the amount of factory buildings that were crashing due to them not being maintained. Sadly, people were in the buildings, causing thousands of people to be killed. Actually, one of the ladies working in the factories said that she was trapped under the remains of the building when it crashed. She said so remember not being able to have the strength to scream or cry. However, she lived but, she lost two of her legs. Also, rivers in India were polluted from chemical used in the factories. The pollution caused individuals to have jaundice, rashes and boils. Lastly, the employees were mistreated and abused. They stated that they worked in poor conditions, they received low wages, and it was a job solely for people with no alternatives. For instance, Shami was introduced in the film. She had a little daughter and sometimes she would carry her to work when she had no one to babysit her. She stated that the owners would beat them with chairs, sticks and

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