
Film Analysis Of A Psychoodrama Movie : Goodwill Hunting

Good Essays

Introduction ‘Goodwill Hunting’ is a psychodrama movie that delves into the character of people. It revolves around a brilliant janitor and a college professor. Will is a janitor that works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There is also a teacher at the same university called Gerald Lambeau. The plot gains traction when he puts a tough mathematical question on the chalkboard that none of the students could solve. Will solves it, but he does so in secret. Gerald Lambeau is both impressed and confounded. Professor Lambeau then goes on to draw up an even more challenging question. It is one that only the most sophisticated minds on earth can solve. Will is up to his antics again, but this time the professor gets to know his identity. Around the same time, Will has a run-in with the law. He has a long history of priors that will surely get him imprisoned. Professor Lambeau contacts the presiding judge in the nick of time. He manages to convince the judge that Will would still be rehabilitated through weekly sessions of therapy as he works with the professor in mathematics. However, it is not easy sailing. Will burns through five therapists in a very short duration. The professor then reaches out to Sean Maguire. At first, Will’s off-putting routine drives his psychiatrist off the edge. However, Maguire recomposes himself and gets back on track with his challenge. He confronts Will and lets him know that it is cowardly to live only on his terms. Will has deep-rooted

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