
Film Analysis: The True Welcome PBS Episode 4

Decent Essays

I watched the film “The True Welcome PBS Episode 4”. The film covered how the great depression of the 1930’s impacted Jazz music. When the stock market crashed in the start of the 1930’s, many Americans lost their jobs and homes, and as a result, couldn’t afford the luxury of spending money in entertainment. Music stores were selling less records. Although, poverty was prevalent during this period, Jazz music became an outlet for Americans. Places like “The Savoy” ballroom in Harlem would fill up because of the new Jazz style that was being played: Swing music.
The predominant style of this film is Swing. Compared to its predecessors, Swing was more upbeat and fast paced, which reflected life in cities like New York or Chicago. Swing was characterized for being played by large bands, having a four beat rhythm, a written out solo line, having call and response between sections (riffing), and coloration, which would later be added by Duke Ellington himself.
I think the musical highlight of this film was when Louis Armstrong was performing “Dinah”. I enjoyed it because Armstrong had an amazing stage presence and was a unique performer. In this song, Armstrong …show more content…

The film used “Dinah” to show how Armstrong interacted with his audience. He would greet them like “How is everyone doing”, which showed that Armstrong was charismatic. They showed “Lazy river” to show how Armstrong used his voice as an instrument. The sections would make a call and he would respond with an “uh huh”. The last song was in my opinion the most important one. “Black and Blue” tackles issues like racism and segregation during that period. Armstrong sings mournfully about the fact that he is mistreated because of the color of his skin. Without a doubt, this song raised awareness about segregation in

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