
Film Noir In The Film Woman On The Run

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The dominance of film noir took place during the 1940’s until the early 1950’s in America and the elements of it can be seen in the film Woman on the Run (Belton). One major factor of film noir is that it is produced in black and white and is influenced by American pulp fiction. This is exactly how Woman on the Run is depicted as the story of the archetypical detective mystery takes place in black and white (Belton). This mystery follows Frank Johnson evading the police as he witnesses the death of a police informant Joe and how everyone is looking for Frank. Frank’s wife Eleanor Johnson, Danny the murderer disguised as a journalist, and the police all go looking for Frank with different intentions. The police want to protect Frank and keep …show more content…

Frank’s characteristics comments on the existential crisis of the American people after war by showing his difficulties in his dismal marriage, his poor health, and his flighty artistic phases. The marriage between Eleanor and Frank is portrayed through Eleanor’s neglect or lack of interest in her husband which becomes apparent as Eleanor and Danny look for Frank using the cryptic note. The typical marital bliss and family has now become distorted in this film similar to what has happened in society during the cultural context of the film another characteristic of film noir as a new status quo sets in (Belton). Also, Frank’s poor health of a heart condition and hypertension also symbolizes the turmoil in America and provides further drama for the audience to feed on. Finally, Frank’s inability to stay consistent with his artwork as Eleanor tells the police of the different phases of his artwork is another way to show internal conflict of the characters typical of film noir

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