
Film Review: A Streetcar Named Desire

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Blanche throughout the film was often over the top most of the time, telling lies many times to help shield her from the truth of what is happening in her life. The movie focuses on her dream -to marry and be taken care of, but instead you see the characterization of Blanche and her total detachment from reality and her choice to perceive life only as she wishes to see it. Therefore, in the movie she says "I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people”. She is judged for telling many lies to hide the truth, but people don’t look at the reason she was saying these lies, which was to protect herself. At first, my first instinct was to go against Blanche and prosecute her, but after a long period of time, I figured that she deserves to be …show more content…

In the current elections, many candidates made “magical” promises that are completely unrealistic and practically impossible to fulfill at the present situations. In example, Bernie Sanders’ health plan. It’s very appealing, as long as people don’t ask “How are we going to achieve that?” or “How will we get to that point?” It sounds like a great plan until there’s a 600 billion dollar cut a year in health care costs. Additionally, the same goes for Sanders’ plan to make tuition free for all at public colleges. Where will the money for that come from, again? His opponent, Hillary Clinton proposes the same thing as well. However, she also doesn’t provide enough information about where the money will be coming from to aid in the tuitions. Both Blanche and the presidential candidates lied in order to protect their image but only one of them could be excused because they cannot handle it. Blanches’ situation is different than Bernie’s and Clinton’s because she is mentally, it is very hard to live life normally after watching your husband/wife kill themselves because of you. That’s why Blanche should be defended and not prosecuted and hated for her

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