
Filthyrich White People Research Paper

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DELOREAN says, "I'M TIRED OF GHETTO-ASS BLACK PEOPLE." Don't blame the victims DELOREAN. It is the FilthyRich White people who created these cesspools of humanity, by instituting years of oppression, discrimination, and exploitation. And it is your FilthyRich Black athletes (M. Jordan 1.1 BILLION), Rappers (P. Diddy 700 Million), and Hollywood stars (Oprah Winfrey 1.9 BILLION), who fail to speak out, that contribute towards the expansion of these cesspools, until they are now a major part of every single city in this country. In no way am I justifying the behavior of these teens, but I will try to explain it. Nineteen years of my 24 year career were spent in the "Bowels of Philadelphia." I know these kids. But only from observing their experience, NOT, BY HAVING TO LIVE IT. They are products of their cesspool environment. …show more content…

This fellow black classmate was the lightning rod for years of accumulated pent up inferiority and lack of fair disbursement of society's resources. Unfortunately, not fully understanding the basis for their anger, they vent it on a falsely perceived cause of it. Keep in mind, the black family was broken down by each and every slave ship, and then whatever sense of family that remained, was obliterated by each and every slave auction. After formal slavery ended, they then had to live in the "Belly of the Beast" – the grossly corrupt and unfair judicial, economic, and social systems (informal slavery), generation after generation. These kids never stood a chance. It is said by pit bull owners, that they are one of the most loving and affectionate breed of dog there is. The viciousness, in some of them, is due solely to how they are

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