
Final Career Goal

Decent Essays

Throughout my life I intend to make several large financial purchases, but the most important of these are paying for college, and buying a house and a car. Payments for college is largely important to me, as I plan to pursue many years of education for my final career goal as a doctor. This is a large educational goal for me, but with this comes a large financial goal to pay for this. My credit union is able to help make wise financial choices firstly through providing information to me. Just through information alone, I can learn which types of savings and loans work best for my situation and future goals. There is much room for me to learn about different methods that I can save and use money and this will be largely beneficial for me to …show more content…

Firstly, my credit union can help by allowing me to get a credit card and begin developing and building my credit. Also, I can take out loans from my credit union to help me pay for large expenses as I am developing in my career and working to become financially stable. As a part of this, I would, of course, pay off these loans after I have developed within my career and become financially stable. This is great because the credit union will help me financially while I am working within my career to achieve more and cannot afford something like a car or a house on my own. Piano Lessons Commonly throughout my everyday life, I find myself to become overwhelmed with schoolwork and responsibilities. However, I use my piano lessons as an escape from this. Music allows me to have an artistic and creative release from these pressures. Like so, I often sit down to play the piano and find that just simply practicing distracts my mind and brings me at ease. The concept of creating beautiful music for others as well as relaxing my own thoughts has a deep impact on my life that no other activity has shown itself to provide. Junior Model United

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